Odds and Ends

Odds and Ends – June 2023

A couple of weeks ago, Dhon Dup Gift Shop opened in the Urban Indigo Space. It’s a Tibetan Gift Shop with a Dalai Lama tapestry that hovers over a large selection of Bali silver jewelry and, very colorful natural fabric clothing. Upstairs you’ll find a wide variety of Tibetan Singing Bowls. It’s a great addition to the Lakeshore Avenue shopping experience and perfect place to stop in and pick up a gift!

The Lakeshore Avenue Baptist Church, which has been hosting community meetings free of charge for decades, isn’t big on self-promotion. Accordingly, unless you’re a church member, you’re probably not aware that they have a well-stocked food pantry adjacent to their foyer that helps feed the homeless and other folks in need. In addition, they help support at least nine different food providers in addition to distributing Christmas and Thanksgiving baskets on their own. Their single biggest source of funding is their Annual Anne Anderson Memorial Hunger Walk around Lake Merritt. The 41st incarnation takes place on June 4. If you’d like to donate or participate, please contact Sheila at 510 893-2484 or email LABCHungerTaskForce@gmail.com.

The next Grand Lake Neighbors meeting will be on Wednesday, June 21 from 7pm – 8:30pm in Barnett Hall which is up the driveway to the left of Lakeshore Avenue Baptist Church. The agenda will include a report from OPD; a presentation regarding the long-postponed vehicle charging station in the Walker Avenue parking lot; and info about a Lakeshore Retail Attraction committee that’s in the works.






One response to “Odds and Ends – June 2023”

  1. Dhon Dup Avatar
    Dhon Dup

    Thank you for your kind advertising about the Tibetan New Shop, Dhon Dup Gift Shop of Okland, thank you appreciated !