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Grand Lake Neighbors

Meetings will now be held every other month (rather than monthly).

So that we can better manage neighborhood deliverables, accomplishments, and assignments, we are making a change to the schedule for 2024 Grand Lake Neighbors meetings. There is no meeting on February 21. Our next meeting will be March 20.

WHAT: Grand Lake Neighbors (OPD beats 14Y & 16X) neighborhood council public meetings.

WHEN: Will still be held on the 3rd Wednesdays of the month 7-8:30PM, but only on odd numbered months. Upcoming 2024 meetings will be in March, May, July, September, and November.

WHO: All neighborhood residents and stakeholders of the Grand Lake and Crocker neighborhoods are welcome to attend.

WHERE: Barnett Hall, next to Lakeshore Avenue Baptist Church at 3534 Lakeshore Ave, Oakland, CA 94610

Although we have lots of ideas for new 2024 content, your feedback is always welcome. We also have many items from 2023 to follow up on, and lots of opportunities to help us with that.

Thanks for your continuing support of Grand Lake Neighbors and Oakland!