by Joey Garcia
- Squabisch Pretzels, family-owned and operated and based in Berkeley, debuted at the market two weeks ago. They have an excellent website on which they regularly post the menus for the two markets they do each weekend–Grand Lake on Saturday and Kensington on Sunday.
- Waffle Mania reluctantly dropped out of the market due to circumstances beyond their control.
Editor’s Note: For starters, congratulations to Dan and Bonnie Foster on the birth of their new daughter, Ramona. We’d also like to thank Joey Garcia for filling in for Dan while continuing to work his regular job managing AIM’s Hayward Market. If you have market-related questions, you can reach him at We’d also like to call your attention to a wonderful article in Atlas Obscura last month about a woman who is single-handedly restoring Native American peaches to the Southwest. When I told Eddie and Maria from Sunnyland Farms about the article, they said, “You mean these” and then kindly posed for the above photo on the right. Unfortunately, this past weekend was the last of this year’s crop. Watch for them again around this time next year.